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St. James-Assiniboia School Division

(Winnipeg, Manitoba)


St. James-Assiniboia School Division 提供廣泛領域的優質學術和專門學習課程,使學生可以最大程度地發展自己的能力和興趣。 學校為畢業生於日後升學的學術和成就作好準備,不少學生更被加拿大,美國和世界各地的優秀大學錄取。



  1. 全面英語學習支援

  2. 多元化的選修課程,滿足學生的專長和需要

  3. 豐富的國際學生活動,包括體育項目、文化活動及外出參觀等





*學費詳情 (2024 - 2025)

* 最終費用以學校公佈為準。



St. James-Assiniboia 位於曼尼托巴省的溫尼伯 (Winnipeg),是一個安全、國際化和友好的城市。曼尼托巴省是一個充滿活力的城市,四季分明,有寬敞的公園,開闊的空間和美麗的河步道。另外,溫尼伯有多間優秀的大專學院,適合不同學生前往發展。


“Coming to Canada to study abroad I felt was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It was exciting not only because of the new, supportive teachers and friends I got to know, but also the opportunities I’m getting to be a better student and a better person. One of my favourite things about school here will always be the course selections. It amazes me how many options students are offered to help us choose the future path that we want to follow as well as train ourselves to be responsible and innovative young adults.”




The St. James-Assiniboia School Division


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"Winnipeg is a beautiful city and also the best place to learn. In the school, people are nice and humourous. You can go many places, like Polo Park, Chinatown, etc. I have been happy in the one and a half years I have been here."



Hong Kong

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